Grades 6 - 12

First things first, get yourself settled in a location that will allow you to be productive and focused as you learn virtually.  Please click on the helpful guide to see some virtual class tips you will want to consider before, during, and after class.

2. Log onto your HCPS Device: Dell Laptop

Once you have found the optimal location for learning, let's get you logged into your HPCS device.

3. Access your online resources: Clever Portal

Next you will access Clever, a web portal that gives you quick access to all HCPS supported learning resources, based on school and grade-level.

Logging into Clever

4. Review your class materials for the day: Schoology

Once you have successfully accessed Clever, you can connect to Schoology, your online virtual classroom, to locate each class and your class materials for the day.  

Logging into Schoology

5. Join your online virtual classroom: Microsoft TEAMS

Now that you have access to the HCPS approved digital resources, your online virtual classroom in Schoology, and class materials, the final step is to connect through our video conferencing platform, Microsoft Teams, so you can meet with your teacher and classmates.  

Logging into MS Teams

Need Extra Help?

If you have issues using your HCPS device or any of the digital learning resources, notify your teacher and/or contact the HCPS helpdesk at

For additional resources and troubleshooting tips, please refer to the Henrico Digital Resource Menu or The Connection: Online Services Resources